Nancy Smith
September 20, 2022 SIA 0 Comment


Security Industry Authority (SIA) was established following The Private Security Industry Act 2001 as a public entity to regulate UK’s private security industry. In partnership with the general public, police, and the security industry, the SIA’s principal duty is to uphold public safety standards and monitor the private security industry to improve overall security standards. First, the SIA assures that security operatives are appropriately trained for working in the security industry by making SIA training mandatory to obtain an SIA licence. Secondly, SIA has launched Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS), which offers services to the security sector.

The Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS)

The Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) introduced by SIA provides a recognised framework of performance standards for quality suppliers within the private security industry. Despite being a voluntary programme, SIA ACS is thought of as a standard for excellence in the security business because it is seen that clients want SIA ACS accreditation of security service providers.

Who Can Become An SIA Approved Contractor?

SIA’s ACS scheme covers the following security activities:

  • Cash and valuable transit
  • Close protection
  • CCTV/ public space surveillance
  • Door supervision
  • Key holding
  • Vehicle immobilization

Any company providing any of the above mentioned security services can get an approval from SIA. 

Note: SIA only approve private security service providers, it doesnot approve training companies.

Approval for Specific Activities

The approval is only limited to the specific activities, not for a whole company, for example, approval for a door supervision cannot cover security guarding.

Benefits of ACS Approval

Businesses with an ACS certification will gain:
  • Permitted to take part in the SIA licensing process.
  • Use of the ACS Accreditation Mark is permitted.
  • Increased business potential through inclusion in the Register of Approved Contractors listed on the SIA website

Eligibility Criteria for ACS

When you apply for ACS licensing, the form will first be checked to see if it is complete, and you will be notified if any information is missing. Following that, your application will be examined for compliance with the following criteria:

• SIA-licensed personnel:

Your company must engage in license-able activity in each area you are applying for, and you must satisfy all SIA licencing requirements.

• Fit and proper management:

You must persuade SIA officials that your organisation and its directors or partners are “fit and proper”. There should be no pending county court judgments against your organisation, and all legal submissions to Companies House should be current.

• Licensed Directors:

Under the Private Security Industry Act of 2001, all license-eligible directors must obtain a licence from the SIA.

• Significant complaints:

If there are serious complaints against your company or its senior management, an additional investigation may be required before moving further.

• Self-evaluation:

The Self-Assessment Work has been performed correctly, and the self-evaluation has been validated.

If your application is accepted and subsequently it is discovered that you are ineligible to be an approved contractor reviewing, your application process will be ceased. You will be informed regarding the rejection of your application by SIA.

Application Process

There are two routes to get approved Contractor Status, namely the Standard route and Passport route.

1. Standard Route

The standard route is open to all businesses and doesn’t require prior certification. The Self-Assessment Workbook is the first step in the standard route.
  • You can download the Self-Assessment Workbook from the SIA training website.
  • Fill it out, and provide all the supporting documentation to show that you meet the requirements.
  • Your application will be submitted after you have paid the fee, and a pre-approval interview will be set to confirm your evaluation.
  • If you satisfy the fitness and legality requirements, you will be notified. Next, you will be given a deadline to schedule an evaluation of your qualifications against the ACS standard with a recognised testing organisation.
  • Each assessor employed by an assessing body has also received training to conduct assessments using the SIA training booklet.
  • Following that, a formal response will inform you of the final decision on your application, which may state:
  • Approval given
  • Approval granted subject to additional conditions
  • refused approval
Once your approval is determined, information regarding your approval will be added to the list of approved contractors available on the SIA’s training website.

2. Passport Route

The SIA may accredit an alternative scheme as equivalent to the ACS Standard. A list of SIA-accredited passport schemes is available on the website.

The identical procedure stated in the standard route will be followed if you apply using the passport method. However, you must also send a copy of your passport certificate along with your application. A passport certificate in valid standing will be accepted as meeting standards on a scale with the ACS standard route.

In addition to the application fee, a registration fee must be paid annually to maintain your approval. It covers the operational costs of maintaining the ACS as well.

You can discuss requirements and application process with the industry experts, who can guide you in becoming ADC approved contractor.