Nancy Smith
August 25, 2022 SIA Training 0 Comment

The private security industry requires their employee to be adequately trained, qualified and experienced. For individuals who want to work in the security industry but have no prior knowledge, it can be pretty confusing to find the starting point. If you want to work in the security domain, this blog will explain all about the mandatory SIA course along with valuable tips to help you pass the assessment in one go.

In the UK, the Security Industry Authority (SIA) is the regulating body founded in 2001. This organisation issues licenses for individuals after ensuring they meet all requirements (legal, physical and training) and are qualified enough to do a job in the security sector.

What is SIA training?

Any individual working in the security industry must have a valid SIA licence. Before starting an application for your SIA badge, you must ensure you fulfil all the prerequisites set by SIA and pass the SIA assessment. SIA training provides adequate qualifications, subsequently proving you are trained enough for your role in the security industry.

SIA licence is valid for the following jobs:

  • Bodyguards
  • Key-holders
  • Surveillance (CCTV Operations)
  • Security guard
  • Transit of cash and valuables

Why is it required?

You can obtain an SIA badge through SIA training, which is a necessary qualification for pursuing a career in the security profession. SIA licence proves that you meet all the eligibility criteria to work in this field. After receiving SIA training for a relevant position, candidates may find employment as a close protection officer, door supervisor, security guard, or CCTV operator.

There are many companies out there offering SIA training courses. However, conduct your research and ensure that wherever you choose, you’re gaining the required knowledge, not just focusing on the test but adding something to your skill set.

Tips to pass your SIA Course

The SIA course provides the necessary training to fully prepare you for SIA assessment and begin a successful career in the security sector. However, for some people, the SIA course can be pretty intimidating, especially if it is a subject or sector that is entirely new to them and can immediately take them out of their comfort zone.

Here are a few tips to guide you in successfully preparing for your SIA course.

Check Eligibility Criteria

You must fulfil several prerequisites before you can enrol in SIA training. You must be older than 18 years old and have valid documents to prove your identity to SIA. SIA will also check the criminal record and only applicants with clear criminal records are eligible to apply. However, this verification does not conclusively exclude anyone who has ever committed a crime. Each case is carefully examined to determine how recently a case occurred and assess the severity of the crime. You can use the SIA’s free criminal history tool to determine your eligibility.

Make Sure You Have Enough Funds

Make sure you have enough cash on hand to cover the cost of your SIA course and application fee. In fact, even if you fail your SIA course, you still have to pay the charges. Once successfully pass the assessment, your licence is valid for the next three years.

Know which SIA License You Require

You will choose your training programme based on the security sector in which you wish to work. Frontline and non-frontline SIA licenses are the two types of training badges offered by the SIA. Frontline work involves direct interaction with customers, such as door supervisors, whereas non-frontline work takes place behind the scenes, such as managing a security firm or staff.

First Aid Qualification

According to the UK government’s SIA licence regulations for door supervisors and applicants, each applicant must hold a valid first aid qualification. If you want to pursue a career as a security guard or door supervisor, you must achieve the First Aid Qualification along with your SIA course to get an SIA licence. This will not only qualify you for the SIA training but also give the impression that you are capable of handling situations requiring crucial first aid techniques. Additionally, it will eliminate the need to hire a different candidate to be in first aid and to train present staff increasing your chances of employment.

Physical and Mental Fitness

When it comes to SIA training, having excellent physical fitness is a distinct benefit. It will facilitate your endurance and strength to control potentially dangerous situations such as physical conflict or combat.

Additionally, it’s crucial to prepare your mind for SIA training. If you suffer from any mental health issues, make sure to mention them in your medical report. You should also mention the diagnosis and medications in the report. Be confident in your ability to provide the SIA with sensitive information because the SIA may request yearly reports from a medical expert.

Never assume anything about the course. Know your history and life experiences! Examine the syllabus thoroughly, conduct online research, and consult with experts. To determine your goals and their views, discuss them with an advisor.

At Haward Trainings, our experienced trainers are always there to support you and ensure you get the most out of the training. Try not to worry; embrace your nerves and enjoy the experience. We offer SIA courses with the most expert trainers, comprehensive modules and mock tests at affordable rates. Start your career in the security industry now!